Tuesday, January 6, 2015

So True Tuesday

When your sarcasm is so far advanced, people think you're being polite.


80% of women use silence to express pain

I all growed up.

The most beautiful thing

Smiling: Expectations VS Reality

So True!

That's how I roll, ladylike with a wad of bitch in my back pocket.  Ha!

that one friend.



  1. OMG the one with the smiling...so me in every picture!! Why can't it be effortless and pretty?! LOL - xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. OMG the silence one is me all over. It's too bad my BF doesn't get that... grrr.

  3. hahahahaha that last one - hilarious! seriously these are all so true, which fits the title of the post perfectly ;)

  4. Bahaha I'm the friend that shows up at 9 instead of 7! Ok, maybe not *that* late, but I've been told the wrong time to be somewhere so I'll actually show up on time!

  5. That last one really made me laugh. My bff is notoriously late... for everything. I know when he says 5:30 it's a minimum of 40 minutes more.

  6. I defo have a friend who shows up two hours late haha and i tend to be on time most of the time so no bueno!!!
