Instead of linking up with Happies & Crappies today I'm going to give y'all a little WeFest Flashback. I've been at WeFest since late Tuesday night & will be until sometime Sunday morning. Therefore I a)didn't feel like whipping out my phone & trying to create a blog post in the midst of friends, country music, & beer and b)I thought that since I am at my last WeFest I'd take a look back at my past adventures. If you care to actually see more pictures & read more about my past experiences you can go here or here. Turns out I never did actually blog about WeFest 2012...shame on me. It was a really good one too...maybe before/after my WeFest 2013 post...

The crew & our adopted friend/neighbor the mailman
Lynette, Heather, Me, Ryan "The Mailman" Cleave, Kayla, Sonja, Kristie
The group & our new adopted friend/neighbor the whipped boyfriend
Melissa, "Peter North", me, Sonja, Kayla
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