Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

29. That I had such a good example of what a relationship should look like growing up.

30. That despite the NHL lockout I still get to watch hockey, even if it's semi-pro.

1. That I finally caught up on all my recorded DVR shows.

2. That I was able to find so many districts in TX with similar pay & vacation as my current district.

3. That the work day flew by so quickly.

4. That a recruiter for the Marines came in to speak to my class.

5. Pay day.  It's been long over due. (Like it's been almost 20 days!)


  1. An example of a loving relationship while growing up is priceless! Good for you :)

    Not everyone has this opportunity and spend (a good part of) their lives trying to figure it out!

  2. Hey lady!
    I sent you an e-mail last week about your Secret Santa Swap match and haven't heard back so I just wanted to make sure you got it. Apparently, it ended up in some of the girls' Spam folders. I'm going to re-send it just to be sure, and check your Junk folder just in case it doesn't make it to your Inbox. Thanks!
