Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Day From Hell

I woke up sick: sore throat & all.
I tried to stop at a gas station to buy cough drops to make it through the day, it wasn't open.
My car wouldn't start.
I forgot to put on deodorant.
One of my students got accused of stealing a wallet by another teacher.
Pretty sure I annoyed my AP.
I had to put scented anti-bacterial on my pits at lunch (see above)
I basically laughed as another teacher asked me one of my students' names so he could write him up. (The laugh was unrelated I was just laughing as I answered my door.) Pretty sure he wasn't amused.
My car wouldn't start.
AAA had to jump it in the pouring rain.
I had to buy a new battery.
Batteries Plus almost wouldn't put it in because it was raining.
Grades are due tomorrow & I have 2 classes worth of work to grade.
I still feel like shit.

1 comment:

  1. Sucky :( Things always seem to go from bad to worse when you start the day sick! I hope everything turns around.
