Last night was quite the night. My roommate Kayla & I ended up going to the hockey game last night. It was Saint Cloud State vs. University of Nebraska-Omaha. It was the first game that either of us had been to all year. We ended up leaving after the second period. We were down by 2 or 3 at that point. (We lost 0-3). It was still pretty fun none the less. At one of the previous games they retired jersey #24. It belonged to Bret Hedican when he played for SCSU in the late 80s. He went on to play in the NHL, win a Stanley Cup, & play in the 92 and 06 Olympics. So because of the retiring of the jersey we all got these sweet can coozies.
Another reason we left at the end of the second period, besides our crappy playing, was because we got a random itch to go a little crazy & decided to go to the casino, which just so happens to be about an hour-hour & a half away. There were lots we could have chosen from but really only two that we considered. It came down to either Mille Lacs in Onamia or Hinckley. One which is closer to her home town & the other which is closer to my hometown. We ended up choosing Hinckley cause I was driving & knew exactly how to get there. We each only brought $2o so we weren't there long. She lost it all & so I walked away with about $10 left.
Because we had driven so far we decided to stop back in my home town. There we stopped at one of the bars for a beer. Without fail we ended up getting hit on by a couple 30 somethings. Neither attractive & one a big time creeper. (He also turned out to be a liar & exaggerater. Oh the power of google & a business card). Because of the creepers we were actually able to keep "one beer" to one beer. I had a blast even with Mr. Business card trying WAY too hard. I also took Kayla on a little tour of my tiny town where we preceeded to take pictures.
Then this morning I woke up only to see white stuff outside my window. I'm having mixed feelings on this. I am not happy that it is really starting to get colder & that winter is definitely on it's way now. It is pretty though & I am getting excited for Christmas time. Hell I'm even playing Christmas music right now as I type this & we watched Elf this morning. Normally I'm the one hell bent on waiting until after Thanksgiving at the very least & having a mini freak out when people try to play it too early. Yet here we are 12 days before Thanksgiving & 42 days before Christmas & I'm the one willingly playing Christmas songs on my Pandora.

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