Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Favorites *5/1*

Happy May & happy Friday everyone!  Today is a good day.  April is over, May is finally here, it's Friday, & it's Danny's birthday!  I don't know what it's like where you live but things are starting to open back up again here as well.  Not that it really impacts me because a)we didn't go out all that much before this all started & b)the things that are opening up again we really towards the bottom of things that I used to do.  Basically, things aren't changing for me.

Linking up with Andrea

1. What I'm Grateful For
-Teledoctors/prescription meds
-Early morning thunderstorms
-My baby brother got engaged
-Danny's birthday present arrived Wed, instead of May 12th like Amazon said

2. Things I've Accomplished
-FOUR blog posts posted this week
-I went car shopping (but didn't buy one)
-I got 13 posts drafted for the rest of May
-I got 93% of my 3rd real estate course completed as of yesterday (I'll finish today & schedule the exam)

3. From the Phone

4. Things I Love About Danny
-He is unapologetically himself
-He makes me laugh
-He keeps me spontaneous
-He is an amazing cook
-He feels like home

5. Funnies


  1. Happy birthday to your man! I’m glad your present got there! Enjoy, celebrate and Have a sweet weekend!

  2. Happy birthday to your man!! I hope you guys do some takeout and enjoy the weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. We have another 3 weeks at least of sheltering at home and then our governor hopes to slowly begin opening up our state.. but I'm a stay at home mom who homeschools her 3 kids so not much will be changing for us either.

  4. Those dang seltzer beers have to be to blame, right? Nothing has really changed where I live, except for golf courses and parks reopening. I'm in no rush to get back to normal though--besides not wanting to get sick, I've really enjoyed this time at home!

  5. Dem Funnies are ON.POINT.
    I considered stealing them lol.
    And all those cute Nash photos <3
