Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday Morning Coffee *4/13*

More like Monday afternoon happy hour seeing as it's 4:30 in the afternoon & I'm just now getting this typed up.  Today did not go according to plan at all.  But that's okay!  It was still a good day!  Here's a very brief, mostly pictures, recap of my weekend!

Danny had Good Friday off so we equal parts relaxed & got stuff accomplished.  We did some of the food prep for the week & then watched the first Hunger Games movie.

Saturday was Nash-o's 3rd birthday so I baked him some pupcakes, made some sweet potato chews, & got him a new rope to play with.  Danny smoked a pork butt & meatloaf while I threw a pork butt in the crockpot.  We had found pork butt at HEB for $1/lb.  The smallest they had was 18 lbs but we'll definitely go through it!

No pictures were taken.  We slept in & then watched the 2nd & 3rd Hunger Games movies.

1 comment:

  1. How nice that Danny had a long weekend for Easter! I'm jealous, haha.
