Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Morning Coffee *3/30*

Happy Monday y'all!  Is it weird now to say that I hope y'all had a good "weekend" when for so many of us the days just run together, and even for those of you that are still going to work like normal, weekends just aren't the same?  Either way, I hope that the past couple of days treated you well!

The county I live in joined the ranks of counties with "stay-at-home/shelter-in-place" orders.  Honestly, that changes nothing for me.  Danny is still an essential employee & I haven't been to work since March 6th.  I've only been leaving to go to the grocery store since about March 15th as it is.  Which feels like a lifetime ago by the way.  It's only been about 2.5 weeks since my parents left but it feels like it's been a month.

Anyway, Friday was about as exciting as most days are around here.  I had my 3rd Zoom meeting of the week, got more work done on my real estate license courses, & when Danny got home that evening we watched more House of Cards.  I *did* go back to using my planner & started creating a schedule/routine to start this week.

I woke up around 7:30 & laid in bed for a little bit playing games on my phone but then decided to go to the extra bedroom & finish the "Miss Americana" Taylor Swift documentary as well as start this post so that it stood a fighting chance to actually get published on time.

We were supposed to get Danny's daughter this weekend but because her mom & fiance have both been working from home for a little over a week now, & Danny is still going into work, they both agreed that she'd just stay with her mom this weekend just to be safe since other people at Danny's work know people that have either tested positive, or come in contact with people that have.

We spent most of the day watching House of Cards on Netflix.  This is our second show we've binge watched as a couple.  It took us FOREVER to get through the 6 seasons of Blacklist that are on Netflix.  Like basically the first 6 months of our relationship.  I like House of Cards, but so far not as much as Blacklist & somehow just the extra 10 minutes of it makes it feel like it takes so much longer to get through than Blacklist.  We are into season 2 though!

Sunday was actually a super productive day & doing something "normal" for a change felt amazing.  The weather was perfect so we took advantage & did a little bit of spring cleaning.  All of the leaves in the yard got raked up and got burned in the backyard along with the giant pile of sticks & whatnot.  ALL of the laundry was done including blankets, sheets, and towels.  Both of the dogs got a bath, which of course was followed by a big time cleaning of the bathroom.  "We" smoked some ribs & sausage and I made homemade potato salad.  By 8:30 we were in bed & trying to finish the last episode of House of Cards we had left on, but neither of us made it very far...


  1. All of our spring cleaning projects are getting done too! Stay safe!

  2. I think I've been watching Gilmore Girls since Thanksgiving, and I'm only now just finishing season 5. I'm so bad at finishing shows I start... I stopped watching Grey's on Netflix in season 11. Like, I made it SO FAR! haha womp
