Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 18

Today is the day people!  Or perhaps tomorrow is the day...  Today or tomorrow my fate will be sealed for this next school year.  The principal was hoping to make a decision by the end of the day Monday & then let candidates know.  Either way I'm probably leaving for Texas on Thursday.  If I get the job I'll need to head down there to take care of some apartment stuff.  If I don't, well it's still time to head back so I can start settling in...  I keep telling myself that either way I'll make the most of it, & I will, but Lord I don't want to go back.  I keep just trying to tell myself that I got the job & am hoping that putting those positive thoughts into the universe along with all of the prayers from y'all ass well as my friends & family is enough to seal the deal.

I was fully prepared to write about how absolutely nothing happened on Friday.  And for the most part, that would still be true.  For most of the day not a lot happened.  I started my orientation for grad school but that was about it.  That is until I got a tornado warning on my phone & Nash & I had to seek shelter in the basement.  Luckily there was no real damage at my parents' house.  That tree that is down in the pictures is one that they have been hoping would come down for quite some time now.  It's also the only thing that came down & it didn't hit anything so all was well.  The storm left just as quickly as it came.

Saturday I met up with some friends from high school to go four wheeling.  I am pretty sure it had been about a decade since I last did any real four wheeling.  We rode around for a few hours before heading to a resort for some dinner & drinks on the patio.  We had planned on bar hopping around the lake but instead went to another friend's place for a bonfire.  As soon as the sun starting going down though the mosquitoes got insane so we just went inside to hang out for a few hours where everyone decided to try to play matchmaker for me.  By the time I got home around 10:45 I was EXHAUSTED & yet still couldn't manage to fall asleep for quite awhile because I had so many bug bites they were driving me insane.

Sunday was a true day of nothingness.  I woke up far too early & super sore from sitting on a four wheeler for hours the day before.  I finished up my grad school orientation (10 days until my coursework starts!) & just laid on the couch watching movies all day with my mom & Nash.  We watched Forever My Girl, Always Be My Maybe, Unfinished Business, & started Hell or High Water.  My dad came home towards the end of Unfinished Business & I passed out pretty much right as Hell or High Water started.  I took a solid hour long nap & it was glorious!

The Week Ahead
Theme of the week: Reverse Death - Changes are coming
Monday & Tuesday: Reverse 10 of Swords - Coming up with plans & solutions to improve my situation 
Wednesday & Thursday: Reverse Fool - New beginnings & a fresh start are coming
Friday: 4 of Cups - Put focus on the things & people in life to be thankful for
Saturday & Sunday: 2 of Cups - Things are going well.  Feelings of love, care, & contentment
Advice: Reverse Queen of Swords - Be on the lookout for stumbling blocks created by others


  1. Praying.

  2. I hope you get the good news you've been waiting for! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I am on pins and needles for you girlfriend!

  4. The only time I've ever ridden a 4-wheeler, there were 3 of us, aged 12, 11, and 8, on it. I was in the middle, behind my cousin who was driving and my little sister on the back. He decided to go up a hill that we couldn't get up, then pulled the back brakes, not the front and the 4 wheeler flipped over and I ended up managing to kick it right as it would have landed on us and it kept going down the hill right over my sister and I. Since my cousin knew what was happening, he jumped off. So yeah.. I'd like to ride as an adult, but I think for now, I'll stick to my 2-wheeler, lol.
