Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 14

Happy Monday everyone!  Here we are in the second week of June already!  Last week was my first full week of summer & my first full week back in Minnesota.  Despite not really doing much it certainly flew by!  While I still have plenty of time left in Minnesota, the roughly 5 weeks I have left I'm sure will fly by just as fast!  

Tonight should be the night when the school board officially decides whether or not to hire me.  I have started telling a few more people, however with the exception of the head softball coach & a friend/former co-worker, none of my other co-worker friends know yet.  I'm not telling them until it's official.

Friday I went shopping with my mama.  I wanted/needed to go find a new laptop.  I knew exactly what I wanted but Best Buy didn't have it in the store so we left.  We went and got some landscaping stuff & chicken stuff for my mama & then hit up Target so I could get some allergy medicine & a birthday card for a friend.  We got lunch at Noodles & Company, which Texas so desperately needs, & I got the one & only thing I've ever gotten there... Pesto Cavatappi.  So good!

One of my mom's friends, & former co-workers, is moving to Iowa next month with her husband now that they are both retired since that's where all of their kids live.  They had a small little get together with some co-workers at the golf course one last time & I tagged along since I've known those people my entire life, or at least a majority of it.

Saturday & Sunday could have honestly been put together.  I did essentially nothing  I walked Nash a few times, did little miscellaneous things around the house, grilled with the family, & watched TV.  Saturday was a super nice day.  Sunny with highs in the 80s.  We My dad grilled hot dogs for supper since the mosquitoes were a little too much for a bonfire.

The big difference between the two days?  The weather.  The high for Sunday was maybe in the low 60s.  Again we my dad grilled, this time split chicken.  I did also sit down & attempt to start a budget.  Without knowing exactly what I'll be making each month at my new job, or exactly which apartment unit we'll be getting, it's hard to figure it out exactly but I did some rough numbers.  I'm also going to challenge myself with a couple of things financially to help reduce some debt.  I'll talk about those more once things are more concrete, but I have a plan!


  1. Making a budget or dealing with numbers (of my own) always gives me anxiety... I do accounting & dealing with others money, no problem... my own? DEEP BREATHS. Hope tonight all goes well for you!

  2. I'm one of those weird people that loves budgets - especially coming up with them!! Hope it's great news for your tonight! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  3. Sounds like the perfect kind of laid back summer that you need!! Beautiful photos. Minnesota looks so lovely.

  4. I love grilled hot dogs and budgets, lol.

  5. Oh I love Noodles & Co - really wish we had that in TX

  6. I've never heard of Noodles and Co., but I do love pasta and would def get your pesto dish, so I wish they were near me in PA!
