Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Things I Don't Need

I got this idea from Nadine the other day.  Even though I did a big purge of stuff at the beginning of the year, stuff has a way of accumulating & there are things that I kept from the first time around that didn't really need to stay.  I will be putting my stuff into storage at the end of May because I will be moving into a new place at the beginning of August.  Moving is always a good time to get rid of stuff, & I definitely have more stuff that I don't need.  Here are some examples of things I don't need:

-A binder of DVDs when I haven't had a DVD player in 2 years

-A binder of CDs when I haven't listened to a CD in probably 2 years or more

-Dozens of nail polish bottles

-"Going out" clothes that I never actually go out in

-Grooming/beauty products that I literally never use

-Documents that are years old

-Old student work/teaching supplies that haven't been out of the same boxes I have them in in years

-An excess of coffee mugs when I use the same ones

-Any manuals because I never read them

-The massive amount of napkins in my glove compartment

-Apps on my phone that I never use


  1. A douche stole my CDs and stereo out of my car 3 nights before I left for bootcamp, soooo I don't have a CD problem. I currently have 2 CDs in my car, Adele 25 and Mumford & Sons Delta.. and M&S lives in the CD player and I listen to it all the time when I don't want to listen to an audiobook, radio, or Spotify.

    Manuals, ugh. Husband wants to keep all of them and I've never seen him use a single one. It's ON THE INTERNET. STAHP IT!

    I actually get rid of about half of the plastic bags that come into our house. We used to use them to scoop poop, but now we have a drain to the septic system, so we just dump it there instead of in the plastic bags. Also, I click the link and I find it HILARIOUS that the ad under her post is for plastic cutlery, which I do actually collect from take-out meals and use for my lunches at school.

  2. Amen to this list. My KIA had a CD player that I rarely ever used. The new car doesn't have one so all the CDs that have been spared from the purges are finally headed to the CD player in the sky. Manuals makes me laugh. I keep them too... for what? Lord knows I have never and will never read them.

  3. I keep thinking I need to take all our DVDs to Half Price Books once and for all...
