Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee Vol. 9

Happy Monday everyone!  I have another short week this week, and next week actually as well, because of Easter.  This is also the last week of softball which means I'm about to have more free time again.  I hope that everyone had a great weekend & that you have a fabulous week!

Friday was our last home game of the season.  During the game we had a fundraiser to help out another coach & their family in our district.  I posted more about it on Friday.

ERIC CHURCH DAY!!  A million years ago, or 6 months ago, same difference, I bought a ticket to see Eric Church for his Double Down Tour.  

The last time I saw him I bought 2 tickets & just hoped I'd find someone to go with me.  That's actually not the first time I've done that.  I did that a few years ago with one of his shows in Memphis.  I did in fact find someone to go with me both times.  

This time however, I just bought 1.  I didn't want to have to try to find someone to go with me.  I just wanted to go knowing that I'd enjoy the show & not have to worry about finding someone or not & if that someone would even come close to enjoying it as much as I would.  *Hint* I get as giddy as a school girl when he plays.  That's right, Saturday was 3 hours of me being a giddy little school girl.

During the day on Saturday I did absolutely nothing since it poured all day long & also because I knew I'd need to rest up since I am old and the concert was from about 8:30-midnight.  So during the day Nash & I just played inside, napped, & watched Netflix.

Sunday was another chill day.  I woke up at 5 to feed Nash but then we went back to bed until 8:30.  While the extra sleep was nice, I always have the weirdest dreams when I wake up & then decide to go back to sleep.  This time I had a dream that Nash jumped into a pond & I was like, "ahhh I don't know if he can swim!"  But then I ran over to the surprisingly clear pond & he was running around on the bottom with a bunch of Corgis, swam up to the top, got out, & he had shrunk to half his size!  His harness however was still normal size so it just hung there one him...

I finally decided to go to the Minute Clinic because for about a week I've been struggling to breathe.  As in if my mouth is closed I can't.  Just as I suspected I have another sinus infection.  Luckily they got me some antibiotics so fingers crossed it's gone soon & I can breathe again... or at least better since it is high pollen time.  I took Nash for a little walk, & attempted to go for another walk myself later, but breathing was rough so mostly I watched a lot of Gossip Girl.  I'm finally on the last season.  I'm really just not as in to this season.  I feel like it has taken a severe sharp left turn.  Also, I already know how it ends & based on where certain characters are now, & where they have been, I really don't know how I feel about the ending.


  1. Not being able to breathe is why I end up at the doc. Always.
    When I went to the 2nd M&S concert I didn't care that anyone was there with me, it was just Marcus and I. <3 lol

  2. Oh man Pollen. I hate it. I love spring but it does such a number on my allergies.
