Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone had a great week!  Tonight is my last Friday night softball game of the season!  We do have 2 games next week but because of a 4 day weekend we play Tue & Thur instead.  I have decided, at least for now because I can't ever seem to settle on how I want this space to look, that I'm going back to Friday Favorites so that my Mondays can focus more on the weekend like they used to.  Someday I'll figure out just what I want this space to be.  Until then I'm linking up with Andrea for Friday Favorites!

Events of the Week
**Nash turned 2, & I took the day off work to hang out with him**

**The softball girls lost again, this time to a team they had previously beat.  We still have 3 games left but we officially don't stand a chance at making the playoffs**

**I got to meet up with my friend a few different times this week for supper while he was in town for work.  We met 10 years ago when I took a road trip out to Colorado with my friend for her cousin's wedding.  My friend that was in town for work is the brother of that cousin.  I didn't even want to go to CO on that trip, I wanted to go to TX like we had originally planned.  And now 10 years later I see my friend twice a year while he's in town for work which is more than I see his cousin, my friend from high school, by a long shot & he even let me & a couple of my roommates stay with him for free while we were on a road trip in college for spring break**

**Basically all I do now is look for jobs & places to live down by Houston as if I'm 100% going.  I REALLY want to go.  I don't hate where I work, in fact I really like the people I work with/for.  I just really miss where I used to live and because of some changes that will be happening next year, don't really want to stick around to see them**

**I felt EXTRA lazy this week.  Like my meals for this week were super easy and/or leftovers, I didn't hit my active minutes goal most days, & I am behind on grading for sure**

Moments of Gratitude
**5 social studies teaching openings at a high school that opened 8/2017**

**Hitting 5k followers on Instagram**

**Getting to drive myself to the softball game on Wednesday & not having to ride the bus**

**Learning that Nash is called a Cowboy Corgi**

**Not having to proctor an English STAAR test**

From the Phone
The baby geese are starting to appear at the park behind my apartment!

Nash-o turned 2 yesterday & of course he got spoiled.

This is how we both feel about me having to go to work in the morning... 31 school days left!

One of the other softball coaches in my district is out at work for the remainder of the school year because her 18 month old son is in the hospital & is in possible need of a heart transplant.  Last night her sister, who is also a softball coach at a different school in our district, put on a home run derby in order to raise money.  Athletes and coaches from teams in our district, as well as community members all came out to show our support.  If you would like to read more about the situation & donate, you can do so here.

At the beginning of every month I buy new flowers to brighten up my apartment; I'm loving my lilies.



  1. Happy Friday! Of course we get shtty weather this weekend ugh...

  2. Happy birthday to Nash!! And that's so awesome that you've made a such a good friend from that random meeting!

  3. At least with losing, you get your evenings back sooner!
    When I see baby geese, all I think of is my arm being ripped from my torso if Meri or Pax ever saw them while on a walk. In fact, when I see ANY geese, that is what I think of. They both go nuts when there are geese (or rabbits, or cats) by the retention pond on our walks.
