Tuesday, April 16, 2019

ABCs of Spring 2019

I did a post like this last spring & so I thought, "why the heck not?!"  Especially since this year the end of spring (aka May) is also my end of time in Texas.  Just for a couple of months though, have no fear I'll be returning to Texas at the end of summer.  So here are some things I'd like to accomplish before the end of May.

Active minutes.  I want to get 30 days in a row with at least 30 active minutes.

Blog 29 more times.  I sent a goal to blog 50 times in the spring...this is only post 21.  I do have quite a few posts drafted up though so as long as I actually get them all done & published this shouldn't be a problem

Clean my apartment.  Well not me, I want to get it professionally cleaned when I move out.

Drink all the beer in my fridge.  I have had a bunch of different craft beers in my fridge since Christmas.  I don't want to pack them up when I move, & I certainly don't want to throw them away.

Edit grad school case study

Finish Gossip Girl

Girls' weekend.  A couple of my friends from college are coming to visit at the beginning of May.

Houston.  I'm going back to Houston for a weekend for the first time in like 2 years!

Instagram.  My goal for spring was to get my followers to 5500.  Right now I'm at 

Job...as in get a new one down in the Houston area, preferably without coaching.

Kick my sinus infection

Lay out by the pool

Manicure.  Get one last manicure before summer begins.  I plan on letting my nails go natural, or just painted myself, over the summer

New places.  I have a bunch of places in the DFW area that I have taken screenshots of over time (places to take pictures, restaurants, coffee shops) & I want to try to get to as many as possible

Order pizza from Ifratelli.  I got a deal with them from a local influencer website & now I just need to use it

Pack & purge.  I don't have a ton of excess stuff, but I definitely have stuff I could get rid of.  When I pack up to move I want to get rid of all of the extra

Quick trip to the laundromat to wash a couple of comforters

Reunion Tower

Softball season ending

Track my spending

Use my HelloFresh gift card

Visit my friend Emily in Oklahoma

Winery.  There are a few around me & I'd like to check at least one of them out

eXplore possible options to donate my hair this summer

Yellow roses

Zoo.  I have lived in Dallas-Fort Worth for nearly 4 years & have never been to the Dallas Zoo or Fort Worth Zoo, I want to change that

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cute idea for a blog post! Although I'm insane and misread it as "ABCs of snoring" and was perplexed for a sec there hahaha.
