Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year Confessions

**I will not be setting goals for 2017.  I have a 101 in 1001, a 29 by 29, & seasonal goals.  I mean the later 2 come from the first one for the most part, but that's enough goals.  Adding more specific goals would just be setting myself up for failure**

**I will be having a theme/word for the year though which I'll talk about more tomorrow**

**I want to make changes to my blog/social media this year I'm just not exactly sure what/how yet**

**I can already tell that 2017 is going to bring some pretty big changes my way**

**I'm going to be cautiously optimistic in saying that these changes will be great ones & 2017 is going to be my year**


  1. Can't wait to hear what your years theme word is!!!

    1. I am so excited. I'll just have to work on reminding myself of it throughout the year.

  2. Excited to hear about your word tomorrow! I'm also taking a more laid back approach to goals this year. I need the year to not be about checking things off a list and instead enjoying life for what it is and embracing the moments!

  3. Girl, own that 2017 is going to be a GREAT year! If you don't, it won't!

  4. Yay for big changes in 2017! Wishing you all the best lady! Let's meet up for dinner soon. :)
