Thursday, July 14, 2016

If I Could I Would...

Kayla did a blog post about the things that she & Caleb would do if they could.  I thought it was super fun & had to steal the idea for myself.

If I could I would....

Take a year off from everything, work/school, & travel the world.  I still always think about a blog that I used to read where this couple sold pretty much all of their possessions & traveled the world for I believe just over a year documenting the entire thing on their blog.  That.  I would do that.

If I could I would...

Follow Eric Church and/or Kip Moore around on tour...not in a stalker a attend every show for an entire tour kind of way.

If I could I would...

Buy a plane ticket on a whim & spend a day/weekend in a city/state I've never been to.

If I could I would...

Get a fancy camera & spend at least one day a week acting like a tourist.

If I could I would...

Cross off every single item on at least one of my goal lists (preferably a 101 in 1001)

If I could I would...

Have unlimited data back on my phone...thanks Verizon...

If I could I would...

Have a beach home in Charleston, a city loft in Chicago, a mountain home in Colorado, a ranch in Texas, & a lake home in Minnesota.


  1. if i didn't have a family, i would take my year off (that i get every 2 years) and travel!

  2. Love this idea. I'm with you on the traveling and multiple homes too! I'd add having enough to not have to work anymore- not that I would do nothing, but have time to figure out what I want to do instead of just working to pay the bills!

  3. That unlimited data.. i didn't even know what I had. #ignoranceisbliss
