Monday, October 5, 2015

October Is My Favorite


Fridays are usually my least favorite day at work because I go non-stop the entire day.  I had a really great day at work though.  I stayed later than normal so that I could finish getting grades in & then headed home to chill for a bit before heading out.  I had intended on taking a nap in between work & getting ready but I didn't have time.  Em & I went & got the best steak salads ever at Star Cafe for supper before heading out to a bar in a neighboring town.  It wasn't exactly the most fun night ever.  I was so crabby & tired by the end of the night, & not just because I hadn't napped, that I was so excited when I finally reached my bed at 1:30 in the morning.

Saturday began the best type of that hasn't happened in awhile & won't happen again for awhile.  I was home, all alone, basically the entire weekend, & was the perfect combination of productive & lazy.  On Saturday I got groceries, made soup & brownies, caught up on almost all of the TV shows I've missed since they premiered a couple weeks ago, & napped.  That's what weekends are all about people.  I'm going to need a way to keep track of my shows though, or just get Hulu, but since I no longer have cable I no longer have DVR.  That means I can't just set them to record & watch them when I get to it.  I now actually need to make a conscious effort to remember what I watch, when I can watch it online, & what I've already seen.

Sunday was another perfect day.  For real I was not meant for adult roommate life...I much prefer the being alone.  Since I hadn't talked to either of my parents in like a week, I made myself a cup of coffee, sat out on the balcony, & talked to my mama on the phone for about an hour.  Afterwards I made a trip to Target to get some storage for my bathroom so I could start unpacking.  I wound up making two trips to Target because that $3 spot storage is bomb & I wanted/needed more.  Y'all I am FINALLY almost completely unpacked.  As soon as I get a desk/storage unity thing for my room I can unpack the remaining boxes & I will be done.  I only moved in 3 weeks ago...  As soon as I have the remaining stuff unpacked I'll take pictures & post about my new place.  I also brought some stuff to Goodwill & had supper with Emily at Chuy's before setting down to do my lesson plans for the week.  If every weekend could be this way I'd be as happy as a clam.  I'm out of town all of or part of the next 3 weekends however only to have them followed by Halloween weekend.  There's always November right?  Just kidding!  They should all be super fun weekends & October is my favorite month so this one can hold on as long as possible.

18 days until my 27th birthday!


  1. I love relaxing and productive weekends! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Nothing like a relaxing weekend at home. I totally need one of those soon. Woohoo, it's almost your birthday!!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! I hope the rest of your week is awesome!
    Morgan |

  4. I need a day like your Saturday and catch up with all my shows with some homemade soup and coffee. Always nice to catch up with family.

  5. I can't even remember the last time I was up until 1:30 in the morning, lol

  6. First off, I love Chuys! Second off, I don't remember what I was gonna say because I am dreaming of enchilladas now at 2:00 am.

  7. We were up till 2am on Saturday night at Universal and I was so crabby. I'm too old for that shit. This weekend is going to be a quiet weekend to include store errands and grocery shopping and CLEANING because my house is a disaster and so is Yurtle... I'm so pumped.
