Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Social

1. How did you come up with your blog name?
-At the time "My Life As Liz" was a guilty pleasure so My Life As... just seeming fitting.  When I first started it each title was something like "My Life As...A Student" that got lame & complicated so I quit doing that.
2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
-Having a place to write down my thoughts (I'm really bad at my journal and I wish I was better)
3. What is one thing you've discovered because of blogging & now can't live without?
-I haven't really discovered anything materialistic but I've discovered other really great bloggers who I'd love to meet someday.
4. Facebook or Twitter? And why.
-Twitter.  I got twitter because I was constantly updating my Facebook status with random thoughts or song lyrics or whatnot.  I felt like I was annoying people so I got Twitter where that was the whole point.  Those people chose to follow me because they want to read my random thoughts...whereas my Facebook friends are my friends because ... well because they're my friends & don't necessarily care about every random mundane thought or song that comes to my head every 5 seconds.
5. If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be?
-I don't know.  Lame?  I mean if any celeb read my blog it'd be pretty sweet.
6. What is something you want people to know about your blog?
-I'm not always great at keeping up with it (as my recent nearly 2 week hiatus has proven) but when I am good at doing more than remembering to just schedule things for link-ups, it's 100% my life nothing sugar coated.

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