Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Social

1. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
-I love just lying around watching TV/movies or reading a book & drinking hot chocolate.
2. What's your favorite thing to do on a summer weekend?
-This is the first summer where I'll actually have a summer off.  I love camping.
3.What's your favorite spring activity?
-I don't how care how old I am I still love jumping in puddles.
4. What's your favorite way to spend a winter day?
-I hate winter.  I would love for someone to take me ice fishing one day though.  I also miss ice skating.
5. What's your favorite season & why?
-I used to always say summer but I really think it's a 3-way tie between spring, summer, & fall.  I love how everything is so new & the way spring feels.  I love the weather & how summer just represents freedom.  I love the colors of fall.  Again...I hate winter.
6. What's the best birthday you've ever had?
-My 21st, 22nd,& 23rd were all equally awesome in similar & yet such different ways.

My 21st Birthday with 3 of my cousins @ Booleggers in Minneapolis

My 22nd Birthday with a friend from high school somewhere in downtown Minnapolis

My 23rd (Golden) Birthday part 1 with 3 friends from college @ DB Searles in St. Cloud

My 23rd (Golden) Birthday part 2 with our limo outside some strip club in downown Minneapolis.


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