Friday, October 15, 2010

Time To Start Saving

It's time to put myself on a budget of sorts. I can't really set-up a monthly budget or anything because my hours are never consistent. Also, I do have loan money so my bills are basically paid off through those. It's only the 15th & I've eaten out 5 times already. That's actually pretty impressive though. I used to eat out almost everyday. Eating out is definitely somewhere I need to cut back on. Because all my bills are paid off through my loans my paychecks are spending money which means I'm wasting a lot of money because I pretty much blow through my paycheck every two weeks. That's about $200 on unnecessary things. This needs to stop. 1)Because spending that much money is just unnecessary 2)I need to save for bigger things such as the new brakes I'm going to be needing & Ireland. Sure Ireland is still about a year and a half away but that's a lot of money I'll need saved up.

To start this little project off I am going to:
~Stop buying stupid tabloid magazines. Let's make that all magazines (sorry Cosmo you're out too)
~Make a weekly meal plan (starting by using up the stuff I already have before I go grocery shopping)
~Start cutting coupons again (I did really good with this for quite awhile)
~Bring a lunch to school (Bye bye Subway)
~Try to cut down on eating out to once a week (This is honestly going to be the hardest)
~Put $25 of each check into savings

That seems good for now. This is definitely going to take some getting used to but I am really going to try my hardest to stick to it. I've already spend just over $280 this month & that's not bills. Some of that was necessary: wedding present, groceries, & sending out a birthday present. But the rest wasn't: eating out, buying unnecessary things, going out.

I already have my meal plan for this next week (17-23) pretty much done. I also got paid today & put $25 of it into savings. Now I need to just resist those tabloids, cut those coupons, & buy a few groceries for lunches & to stop me from eating out.

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