Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Currently In April

Linking up with Anne.

Sharing... what I'm grateful for.  For the month of April I'm going to post 1 photo a day on Instagram sharing something that I'm grateful for.

Writing... in my planner.  Now that we'll be out of school until at least May 4 (let's be honest it'll be until August) we have weekly department meetings via Zoom as well as I have 2 hours each week set aside for "office hours" & 1 hour each week per class (6 hours) that will also have Zoom meetings.  So I'm just trying to keep track of all of that as well as hoping that by writing to do lists in my planner I'll

Wishing... everyone would just stay home!

Investigating... the world of real estate.  I finished my first out of 6 courses last week & am currently on my 2nd.  This week I also had an hour long phone call with a realtor from my area who found me on Instagram.  She basically answered any questions I had & then explained to me about the business, her team, & the company she works for.  She even passed my number along to her team lead so that she can also reach out to me & get me more info!

Buying... not much.  Groceries when needed...alcohol from time to time... Not that we necessarily did a TON of going out before, but if there is a silver lining to all of this stay home stuff it's that I'm not spending as much.  We're being more creative with our groceries, have ordered out only twice for food, & obviously haven't been going to the bar or shopping.


  1. I'm going to be doing an instagram photo a day also.

  2. Wishing the same!! Interested in following your gratitude on IG!!:) Happy April!

  3. Hah, I think most of us are wishing people would just stay home and do their part. I haven't been using my planner as much since there isn't a whole lot going on, but we'll see how things go.


  4. Wishing the same as well. And also guessing that our school closures are going to go on longer than predicted... But at least it's possible to find a few silver linings, like less spending and more time with my kid (okay not ALWAYS a silver lining, but trying to think of it like that - ha!). Hang in there!

  5. I am trying to be creative with food and alcohol as well LOL don’t want to deplete my stocks

  6. Not spending much has definitely been an unforeseen perk of this whole quarantine thing, haha!
