Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm back in Minnesota now, I actually got back last Friday.  Since then I haven't really done much other than relax & do things around my parents' house.  I did go to a friend's last Saturday for a get together for her 30th birthday.  

I pretty much gave a rundown yesterday on what's new with me.  So instead here are some pictures of Nash, some random pictures from my phone, some funnies, & some classroom ideas & dresses that I like for the next school year.  I've decide that I'm going to pull a Steph & pretty much only wear dresses to work next year.  That is of course unless I can wear jeans.  Jeans I love, dress pants drive me up the wall.

If you have any work appropriate dress suggestions please share!

Linking up with Andrea


From the Phone



Classroom Ideas

I actually want to do this for every day of the week:
Man Crush Monday
(open to suggestions for Tuesday)
Woman Crush Wednesday
Throwback Thursday
Flashback Friday


  1. I’m glad you’re getting in some relaxing back home. Love the pics of Nash and those dresses are soooo cute! Have the best weekend!

  2. Nash is definitely living his best summer life! Love all the dresses you found! I feel like you will have to live in dresses in Houston. It will be the best way to stay cool!!

  3. You linked to some really pretty dresses! And it's so crazy to see the charging station as a classroom idea when I didn't even get a cell phone until my last two weeks of senior year, haha!
