Tuesday, March 12, 2019

My Co-Star

If you don't already follow Kerri's blog, or her Instagram, you need to be.

On her IG story she has been posting screenshots of notifications from an app called Co-Star.  I had to look it up because it seemed interesting.  It's basically personalized horoscopes.

"Unlike the broad and vague horoscopes you usually read in magazines, we take more than just your sun sign into account. We use a complete picture of the sky when and where you were born to generate hyper-personalizated horoscopes."

  Of course it isn't available for Android yet & I don't live the iPhone life.  If you do live the iPhone life you can download the app.  If you're like me & live the Android life, the app is coming!  Until then however, you can still get your personalized natal chart & then weekly personalized horoscopes sent to your email every Monday.

I'm usually not really into horoscopes for anything serious because they are so general & could apply to pretty much anyone at any point in time.  However, I wanted to see what my natal chart said about me & to see just how accurate I felt it was.  I think what it says about me is pretty accurate.  

The following probably won't be very interesting to anybody but me, since it's just about me, but here is my natal chart.

Sun in Scorpio
The sun determines your ego, identity, & "role" in life.  It's the core of who you are, & is the sign you're most likely to already know.  Your Sun is in Scorpio, meaning you have a fundamental urge to get to the bottom of things, which can at times lead you to be manipulative or power-hungry, but it comes down to an intense passion for authenticity, real intimacy, & the truth.  It's in your eleventh house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself from others through social status, including platonic & casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, & dreams.

Ascendant in Sagittarius
Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people.  It can be seen in your personal style & how you come off to people when you first meet.  Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older.  It changes every two hours, so if it doesn't make sense, text your mom to confirm your birth time.  Your Ascendant is in Sagittarius, meaning you come across as independent, optimistic, & confident, though sometimes overly blunt or critical.  Generally a charming conversationalist, your free-spirited approach may come off as restless or easily bored.

Moon in Aries
The moon rules your emotions, moods, & feelings.  This is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable.  Your moon is in Aries, meaning your emotional self is independent, energetic, & enthusiasticYou have a tendency to feel inadequate & overcompensate just because failure is a possibility.  It's in your fourth house, meaning you find security & safety through your home & family.

Mercury in Libra
Mercury determines how you communicate, talk, think, & process information.  It also indicates how you learn.  It is the mind's planet.  Your Mercury is in Libra, meaning your intellect sees both sides to every situationYou're a charming & diplomatic relativist searching for balance in every set of ideas, though this may come off as insincere or indecisive.  It's in your tenth house, meaning you are curious about & inclined to analyze your career, your place in the world, what you have & will accomplish.

Venus in Virgo
Venus determines how & what you love.  It indicates how you express affection & the qualities you're attracted to.  Your Venus is in Virgo, meaning your romantic side is hyper-analytical -- you over-analyze everything & will hide your feelings until you feel absolutely certain.  You can be a bit nitpicky & controlling, but it comes out of the thoughtfulness & care for the other.  It's in your ninth house, meaning that for you, love is often expressed in philosophy, faith, education, politics, & travel.

Mars in Aries
Mars is the planet of aggression.  It determines how you assert yourself, take action, & the energy that surrounds you -- particularly in your sex life, your ambitiousness, & when you're angry.  Your Mars is in Aries, meaning you assert yourself in a way that is to the point & impulsive.  You love to make things happen & you push things forward with energy & enthusiasm.  You have a short temper, but are quick to forgive.  The bravest sign of the zodiac.  It's in your fourth house, meaning you put a lot of energy into your home & family.

Jupiter in Gemini
One of the two social planets, Jupiter rules idealism, optimism, & expansion.  It's also very philosophical.  Your Jupiter is in Gemini, meaning you grow & find understanding through curiosity, mental adventure, & trying new things.  It's in your seventh house, meaning you find success through your close relationships & long-term partnerships.

Saturn in Sagittarius
The other social planet, Saturn rules responsibility, restrictions, limits, boundaries, fears, & self-discipline.  Your Saturn in Sagittarius, meaning you struggle with restlessness, self-questioning, boredom, & your bluntness.  It's in your first house, meaning you have had difficulties with your self & self-image -- &, because it's in your first house, your Saturn in Sagittarius, is hyper-present in your personality.

Uranus in Sagittarius
Uranus stays in each sign for seven years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person.  It rules innovation, rebellion, & progress.  Your Uranus is in Sagittarius (Nov 1981-Nov 1988), meaning other generations are shocked by the boundaries your generation are pushing, along with your restlessness & criticism.  It's in your first house, meaning that for you, this manifests in rebelling against dated expectations about your self & self-image -- &, because it's in your first house, your Uranus in Sagittarius is hyper-present in your personality.

Neptune in Capricorn
Neptune stays in each sign for around fourteen years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person.  It rules dreams, imagination, & the unconscious.  Your Neptune is in Capricorn (1984-1998), meaning your entire generation finds inspiration through hard work, responsibility, seriousness, & ambition.  It's in your first house, meaning that for you, this manifests in your ideal -- verging on unrealistic & impractical -- about your self & self-image -- and, because it's your first house, your Neptune in Capricorn is hyper-present in your personality.

Pluto in Scorpio
Pluto stays in each sign for up to thirty years, meaning is rules a generation more than a person.  It rules power, intensity, obsession, & control.  Your Pluto is in Scorpio (Nov 1983-Nov 1995), meaning your generations psyche is comparatively passionate, intense, serious, private, self-obsessed, & perceptive.  It's in your twelfth house, meaning you personally are transforming outdated expectations of privacy, secrets, & introspection.


  1. All of this sounds remarkably familiar. I always LOL at the notifications Kerri gets. I should look into the app.

  2. I know Im a Virgo and that about all I know about horoscopes hehe Interesting info though!

  3. I am an Aries and this is so spot on and this was so incredibly cool to read how this all works.

  4. Whoa, this is intriguing! Is it free?? I really want to learn more stuff like this about myself.
