Tuesday, October 16, 2018

11 Things I Love


  1. "I was worried you fell in" Me to Husband ALL THE TIME. That said, he spends no less than 15 minutes in the bathroom 85% of the time, so it's valid. I've taking to calling it T--- Time (TT) when he goes to the bathroom. I literally schedule my life around when TT will be taking place. I've laid down on the couch and taken a NAP waiting on him to finish up with TT before we leave to go somewhere, which we will inevitably arrive to late because of some reason that is MY fault, even though HE was the one in the bathroom for half my life.

  2. Dead. I have said every single one of these, except the last since I don't have kids.

  3. This is definitely my dad hahaha. And me with the chips. Doritos are so addicting!!
